Botanical Towers 101

With the amount of ornamentation available in today's marketplace, combined with an endless array of stain and paint colors, your Botanical Tower® should have no problem reflecting your personal sense of style and taste.

A display of three lanterns, especially in the winter, is quite nice, but the occasional collection of seasonal décor, or regional style, is a great way to mix it up. And what about location

Along an entry path is ideal, but aside a patio or waterscape is also quite attractive, and not uncommon.


Once installed, your Botanical Tower® will stand at roughly 72" in height, and 22" in width, creating three 15" X 15" display areas.

A 22"- 24" planting depth will ensure a secure installation that will allow you to hang items of significant weight, such as large hanging planters, garden bells, and the like.

While you're digging, you may want to take advantage of the opportunity to plant a flowering vine to grow up and along the surface of your Botanical Tower®

Several options would include wisteria, clematis, hydrangea, sweet pea, jasmine, Chilean bellflower, and climbing rose, to name a few.

As a rule, cedar should not be set in concrete. In most cases it should be set directly into the ground.

The holes should be dug to a depth of 22"- 24", 6-7" wide, and roughly 18 ½" apart OC (on center) As with most rules, though, there are often exceptions. Here are a few. Many cedar manufacturers suggest digging the hole an extra 6" deep, and backfilling with gravel before placing the posts. The school of thought is that this measure will improve drainage around the base of the post and further ensure the integrity of the wood. In sandy soils, this extra step may prove unnecessary, but in regions with red clay soil, it might be well worth your consideration. In contrast to rule #1, there are those who suggest using a combination of 6" gravel and the use of concrete to set the posts. In sandy soils in particular, this method would add an extra measure of strength, while benefiting from the natural drainage properties of the soil. As cedar naturally resists decay, there are really no wrong installation methods, and it is best to use the one that best suits your soil conditions and personal preference.


If cedar is chosen for your build, it is considered to be one of the most sought-after woods, ideal for many outdoor uses. It is a fine-grained wood that is durable and resistant to rotting and insects. Because cedar is a top choice for carefree living, it can be left to age naturally, or painted or stained to match any décor. Untreated cedar is pleasing, however, the wood is porous, and over the long term may become discolored if left in damp and shaded areas. A 20% solution of household bleach in water, with an ounce of dish detergent per gallon of solution, will usually remove all staining. Even after years of exposure, cedar can be refinished to its natural, bright, and clean appearance with minimal effort. If you decide to stain your Botanical Tower® there are a variety of stains available. Some stains have water repellent additives and mildew inhibitors. Penetrating stains, in contrast, go into the wood without forming a surface barrier. This is especially important when considering sealers and primers used prior to any paint application. Penetrating sealants will eliminate the problems of blistering and peeling of the painted surface. If you decide to paint your Botanical Tower® the natural color of the wood will be concealed.

With so many great colors available, painting is a popular option for individuals looking to create their own level of personalization. Painting flowers, nature scenes, or whimsical patterns further contributes to the goal of individual enhancement. Make sure to follow the directions on the manufacturer's product for the best application methods.
