“Good luck is the result of good planning.”

The Botanical Tower Company

DIY Blueprints and Kits

Welcome to


" I envisioned a quality alternative to the products that I had been seeing in the marketplace, and more importantly, one that had the ability to promote creativity through the use of color, texture, and light.

Utilizing natural materials, symmetrical structure, and quality detailing, Botanical Towers are the blank canvas for the creation of a reflective state, a special place enhanced by lanterns or displays of a variety of personalized expressive forms "

James Michael Padden

Design Portfolio

DIY Kits
Plant Options

Four unique ways to express yourself

har·mo·ny [hahr-muh-nee] Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord: live in harmony.

tran·quil·li·ty [trang-kwil-i-tee] Quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet

sol·ace [sol-is] To comfort, console, or cheer (a person, oneself, the heart

se·ren·i·ty [suh-ren-i-tee] The state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.

Tranquility Botanical Tower

Harmony Botanical Tower

Serenity Botanical Tower

del Solace Botanical Tower

For just $3 US you can take the guesswork out of building an authentic Botanical Tower with our Botanical Tower DIY Blueprint.

Available in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Polish, and Dutch

Woodworking mistakes can be costly

NEW Botanical Tower DIY Kits are in the works !


Click Gallery images to enlarge

Tranquility Botanical Tower

in brilliant red

Harmony Botanical Tower

lemon oil rub

Serenity Botanical Tower

green wash and natural

Harmony Botanical Tower

black on black

del Solace Botanical Tower

down on the farm

del Solace Botanical Tower

magnolia and natural


Click images to enlarge or open link

We are honored to have a rendition of our Tranquility Botanical Tower on permanent display at the Ogrody Hortulus Botanical Gardens in Dobrzyca, Poland.
